Monday Aug 07, 2023
Everyone. Everyday. Everywhere.
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
We start a new series on the book of Acts…in hopes for every one of us to maximize our impact as we partner with the Holy Spirit every day to share the gospel everywhere.
Scripture: Acts 1, Luke 24:50, Acts 2:1-13
Presented by: Angel Maldonado
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Team Transformed By Love
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
To round out the 2023 Blockbuster Summer Series, Pastor Jaz Vick features "Remember the Titans". He highlights how a team transformed by love learns and changes.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:13-20
Presented by: Jaz Vick
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Dr. Jackson teaches on what it looks like to be part of a team on a mission. As a part of the Blockbuster Summer series, Dr. Jackson references Top Gun Maverick!
Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-13, Ephesians 4:15-16, Acts 2:42-47, Acts 11:19-21, Acts:2:42-46
Presented by: Dr. Ed Jackson
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Protect Yourself
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Elder Paul Vendryes cautions us to stay alert. He combines plot points from Million Dollar baby with scripture to communicate and illustrate our mission as followers of Jesus Christ.
Scripture: James 1:22-25, Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 18:24-26, 1 Peter 5:8
Presented by: Paul Vendryes
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Finishing Well
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Shawn Patterson pays homage to Indiana Jones! She zooms in on Caleb and challenges us to continue to be persistent.
Scripture: Numbers 13: 1-2, 17-20, 24-30, 31-33, Joshua 14:10-12.
Presented by: Shawn Patterson
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Know When to Hold’em and Fold’em
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Angel and Layla tag team this week and highlight lessons from Avatar: The Way of Water! They take a look at knowing when to walk away or fight throughout difficult situations in life.
Scripture: Mark 1:16, 1 Timothy 6:11, Deuteronomy 31:6, John 1:10-12
Presented by: Angel & Layla Maldonado
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Getting Strong Now
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Christina Maldonado highlights physical and spiritual fitness while relating it to Creed 3. She speaks on the importance of fitness, and how attributes such perseverance, discipline, and self-control can apply to fitness and our spiritual journey.
Scripture: Genesis 46-50, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 2:10, Hebrews 12, Romans 10:17, Matthew 7:17, Galatians 5:23, Proverbs 14:23
Presented by: Christina Maldonado
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Family United
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Dr. Jackson artfully combines The Little Mermaid, and the story of Joseph into one sermon detailing the relationship between a Father and his child.
Scripture: Genesis 46-50
Presented by: Dr. Edward Jackson
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Dr. Patterson talks about what it looks like to be distinctive and breaks down the beatitudes in Matthew 5.
Thank you, Pastor Jaz Vick for your years of service!
Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12
Presented by: Dr. Michael Patterson
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Satisfaction in Generosity
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
This generosity Sunday we take a look at the life of Cornelius and how the generosity of one man changed the trajectory of so many lives.
Scripture: Acts 10
Presented by: Angel Maldonado
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday May 29, 2023
Satisfied: Slow Down
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
In John Mark Comer’s book, the elimination of hurry, he gives us 4 spiritual disciplines that will help us stay on pace to find satisfaction. Today we’ll explore the final spiritual discipline, which is slowing…
Scripture: 2 Peter 3:8, Ecclesiastes 3: 1-9
Presented by: Angel Maldonado
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Dr. Michael Patterson hones in on contentment this week. Additionally, he challenges us to invest in kingdom building endeavors.
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-10
Presented by: Dr. Michael Patterson
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday May 15, 2023
Assurance of Abundance
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Angel guides us in how our relationship with our mother plays a role in helping us find true satisfaction.
Scripture: Isaiah 66:10, Isaiah 49:15
Presented by: Angel Maldonado
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday May 08, 2023
Permission To Stop
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Dr. Jackson continues to encourage us to rest and worship. He communicates that observing the sabbath will alter the way we live our lives.
Scripture: Exodus 20:8-11
Presented by: Dr. Ed Jackson
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday May 01, 2023
Settled In Silence
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Jaz shares his journey over the past few months and how silence was crucial for him. He encourages us to find time to sit and listen to God in our own walk.
Scripture: Mark 1:12-13, 35
Presented by: Jaz Vick
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Less is More
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Angel begins the newest series, "Satisfied?" We will be looking to answer the question of how do we replace our overworked, over stressed and overstimulated lifestyle with one that creates space and allows time for our souls to be satisfied in and through our relationship with God.
Inspiration for this series if from the book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer.
Scripture: Psalm 23
Presented by: Angel Maldonado
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Keep Bouncing Back
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Jesus got back up so we could to. Angel shares how Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection enables us to keep bouncing back despite our shortcomings.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 6-9, Luke 22:31-32
Presented by: Angel Maldonado
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Pastor Angel Maldonado engages the audience in recognizing how much time we spend on social media and forms of entertainment. He uses this to introduce the next sermon series "Satisfied? - When contentment meets pleasure."
Book: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World
He also encourages us to invite those we know to Easter service on April 9, 2023.
Link: https://www.thepath.church/events
Scripture: Romans 5:6, Proverbs 27:20, Psalm 63:1-5
Presented by: Angel Maldonado
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Trust The Story | Featuring Marty Solomon
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Special Guest Marty Solomon invites us to trust God's Story as he explains Genesis 1 from an eastern perspective.
Scripture: Genesis 1
Presented by: Marty Solomon
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Purpose In The Plan
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
In honor of Women's History month, first lady, Christina Maldonado, teaches from Exodus. She offers a message of faith and community through the beginning of the narrative of Moses.
Scripture: Exodus 2:1-14, Exodus 3:7, Ephesians 2:8-10
Presented by: Christina Maldonado
--- About The Path ---
At The Path, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, our mission is simple: “seek, save, and send.” Our goal is to save as many people as possible and teach them to do the same. Please consider sharing this messages; this helps us realize our vision of creating churches that mobilize the next generation.
--- Media ---
YouTube: @ThePathChurchAtlanta
Website: thepath.church
Instagram: @jointhepath
--- Music ---
Intro/Outro Music: "Action"
Artist: JC Muzik